MMC (Thailand) 's Calibration Centre is modelled on UKAS Laboratory and has been accredited per ISO/IEC 17025 by the Thai Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (TLAS). It includes atate-of-art Electrical, Pressure, Temperature, Dimension, Torque and Gas Calibration Standard.
Prime standards are tyraceable to SI Unit via the National Institute of Metrology Thailand (NIMT).
The Laboratory's Capability as show in the following list.
1. Electrical Instruments
Digital Multimeter up to 6 1/2 Digits Electrical Calibrator
Tachometer Power Supply
Decade Resistance Box Frequency Calibrator
Stroboscope Oscilloscope
Power Analyzer Function Generator
2. Pressure Instruments
Pneumatic Pressure Gauge Pneumatic Pressure Calibrator
Hydraulic Pressure Gauge Hydraulic Pressure Gauge
3. Temperature Instruments
Thermocouple Resistance Temperature Detector
Thermometer Temperature Dry Block
Liquid In Glass Thermometer Infrared Thermometer
Temperature Scanner Liquid Bath
4. Dimension Instruments
Vernier Caliper Micrometer
Dial Indicator Coating Thickness Gauge
Step Gauge Spirit Level
5. Torque Wrench
Digital Torque Wrench Click Type Torque Wrench
6. Gas Detector
Portable Gas Detector